Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Rover Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts

Week of May 9 and 10

Beavers and Cubs Date: May 10, 2016 Time: 6:30 till 8:00 PM Location: Burds Family Fishing                  13077 Highway 48, Stouffville (Highway 48 & Bethesda Side Road)                  North 43° 59′ 3.391″ | West 79° 17′ 5.845″ Note: Fee of $25 per person Scouts and Venturers Date: May 9, 2016 Time: 7:00 till 8:30 PM Location: Wismer […]

Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Group Rover Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts

Online Registration

The online registration is now open for existing members. Please try to register your child/children by this weekend so that if you encounter any issues we have next week to address it. The deadline to register for existing members is May 15 with a fee of $210. After May 15, registration will be open to […]

Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Group Rover Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts

Week of May 2 and 3

To reduce paperwork and to lighten the load on our volunteers, we are moving to online self-registration for the upcoming Scouting Year 2016-2017. Given that we currently have a long waiting list, we’d like to give existing members an opportunity to register early and avail of significant registration discount until May 15. After that, we’ll […]