Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Rover Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts

Week of October 16 and 17, 2017

Thank you to all who attended our Investiture last Tuesday, October 10. As announced during the event, there are important upcoming activites and dates that you should be aware of. IMPORTANT Upcoming Activities: 1) Friday, October 13, 2017 / Saturday, October 14, 2017 – Apple Day. This is a very important fundraising event for our group […]

Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Group Rover Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts

Week of October 9 and 10, 2017

Below is the schedule of activities for the week beginning October 9: Thank you to all who participated in the Popcorn Blitz. We had a good turn out and most of our youths were able to canvas an order or two. Good job! This week will be a busy week for all of our youths […]

Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Group Rover Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts

Week of October 2 and 3, 2017 – Popcorn Blitz

Below is the schedule of activities for the week beginning October 2: Great Adventures Start with Scout Popcorn!  Fundraising with Scout Popcorn is youth-led and helps youth be better prepared for success in the world! In addition to raising money, youth develop valuable business skills and learn about financial responsibility, marketing strategy development and time […]