Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Group Scouts Venturer Scouts

Week of January 13 and 14, 2020

Below is the schedule of activities for the week beginning January 13 and 14, 2020:

Thank you everyone for your participation in the Winter Camp.  Because of the weather, we’ve learned to adapt and be creative.  Our youths learned to have much fun with the indoor activities although it rained the whole Saturday.  Thankfully Sunday morning they could go outdoors to enjoy the ice and snow.  We want to thank all our Scouters for organizing the many details for the camp.  We want to also thank our Venturers for being so creative with the youth activities given the weather restriction.  Also thank you, our volunteers for grocery shopping.  And congratulation to Scout Blue Team for the “Iron Chef” title this year!!  Will see you next year.

7th Markham Scouters

Date:         Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Who:         Cubs
Time:        *6:45 – 8:00 PM
Location:  Markham Veterinary Clinic, 6605 Hwy 7 #13/14, Markham
Note:          We have arranged a special visit for the Cubs to see what are behind the scene in an animal hospital.  Cubs will also learn about bit prevention from their or neighbours’ pets.  The clinic will require photo consent forms signed at the site.  Uniform is expected during the visit.

For Venturers, Scouts and Beavers, there will be no meetings on January 13 and 14, 2020.

Group or Cross Section Events COMING UP:

Group Family Skate Night
January 20, 2020
Time:        7:00 – 8:00 PM
Who:         Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers
Location:  Markham Civic Centre, 101 Town Centre Blvd, Markham