Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Rover Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts

Week of April 18 and 19

Below is the schedule for the week of April 18 and 19.       Beavers      Date: April 19, 2016      Time: 7:00 till 8:00 PM      Location: York Regional Forest North Tract – 17054 Markham Road (west side between                       Vivian Road and […]

Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Rover Scouts Scouts Venturer Scouts

Week of April 11 and 12

Below is the schedule for the week of April 11 and 12. Beavers      Date: April 12, 2016      Note: There are no Scouters (leaders) available to run the activities so the meeting is                 cancelled.  Cubs      Date: April 12, 2016      Time: 7:00 till 8:30 […]

Cub Scouts

The Jungle Book Movie

There is an area wide event for the movie premier of the Jungle Book and 7th Markham Cubs are planning to attend. The movie is open to all Cubs (including those who moved up from Beavers and those who moved to Scouts) and their family. Please see below details of the event. Date: Saturday, April […]