This Tuesday, April 18, we will have the Advancement Ceremony from 7:00 till 8:00 PM at Kateri Tekakwitha School. Beavers, Cubs (Monday and Tuesday), Scouts and Venturers, please wear your complete uniform and bring your family.
Advancement Ceremony formally recognizes the occasion when a Beaver (born in 2009), a Cub (born in 2006), a Scout (born in 2002) and a Venturer (born in 1999) leaves the Colony, Pack, Troop and Company and joins Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers respectively.
Please note – there will be no Monday meeting for Cubs (Monday), Scouts and Venturers.
Upcoming Event:
Date:     April 23
What:Â Â Â Â 10,000 Trees
Who:Â Â Â Â Â Scouting Members and their Family
Where:Â Â Â Click here for more information